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  • The 6 Week Reviber Challenge - Week 2

    June 25, 2018 2 min read

    Week 2 of my six week trial using the Reviber Fusion Oscillating Toning Plate and the Reviber Vibrating Foam Roller.

    A week ago I began a six week course of exercise using the products I sell at Reviber. I’m doing this to keep my knowledge and experience of Reviber products up and most importantly, I’m doing this to get into shape before I jet off to Spain for two weeks on the beach. Right now I’m out of shape, everything is back to front. My arms and legs are skinny and my waistline is massive.

    Can the Reviber Six Week Trial lick me into shape for the beach? I sure hope so!

    Our fitness consultant Marlene is training me once a week and I’m training two more times alone. Each week I’m going back to Marlene’s studio in Liverpool and I’m given another programme to go through. This programme evolves as each week goes by.

    I’ve survived week one! And I’ve stuck at it too! And I feel pretty good for the effort! Result!

    Arm Work

    Straight back to it! I’m on the Reviber Fusion and doing my breathing exercises and then we’re into the arm work. It’s the same three exercises using the resistance bands as last week. W’s with extensions, side arm raises and front arm raises. Only this week instead of sets of 8, it’s increased to sets of 12. 3 sets of 12 in each of these different moves takes its toll. It’s only 4 more than last week! Ouch!


    Squats still need work on the technique. Marlene assures me there has been improvement, but there’s plenty of room to get better. Again the number of reps has gone up and I’m feeling the increase. Marlene encourages me on and tells me that this time last week I simply could not do 3 sets of 12. The repetition is paying of already and I’m on the way up!


    My lunge game still sucks. It’s definitely the hardest thing for me to do. Weirdly, it’s my right leg that is resisting the instruction from my brain, and I consider my right leg to be my strongest. Oh well, I’ll just keep practicingand not give up. Marlene tells me just to dip my extended leg and not let my whole body and head bob up and down! 


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