June 27, 2018 2 min read
Following on from the previous blog...
New exercise alert! Lunge Rows
I’m put into a much more gentle lunge position and I hold the ab straps and draw an arm back and keep my elbow inline with my ribs and feel the action in my shoulder and across my chest. Perfect prep for the holiday!
Tricep Hinges
The tricep hinges are 3 sets of 12 as well. These extra 4 per set are really tough! It’s really difficult to do this and yes, I know I’m doing press ups on my knees. It’s the only way I can do it at the moment! I’m really struggling to complete these sets and not do a traditional push up. Practice needed! I’m hoping by the end of this six week course I’ll be able to do sets of press ups.
Sit Crunches & Curls
Last week I did a seated exercise called a seated C curve to prepare for further abdominal work. Well I said they were easy last week, but not this week. The C curve is no more. Now I’m doing Ab crunches. Not only that, I’m also stretching the abdominal bands from the machine and holding them by the sides of my head.
This action can be felt along both sides of my body and the vibration from the machine travels through the bands creating extra effort.
I’m told how to breathe and curl my shoulders off the floor and the effort is instantly felt. Then at the top of the final crunch I hold myself in the top of the position and curl further over, imagining I’m curling my stomach over a ball. What are you doing to me Marlene!?
This is a big deal for me, I want the midriff sorting out. I know that all the exercises are working my whole body efficiently, but I really feel these in my stomach most, in my abs. Yes! There are abs in there, come out to play abs, there’s a holiday booked!
Once a set is done the only way to disengage your stomach muscles (I have stomach muscles!) is to curl up in a ball. I look like a dead spider that’s just about to be washed down the plug and to be honest, as set 3 ends, I am ready to be washed away
The first exercise routine of week two is complete, I’ve survived and just need to do my roller cooldown. I roll my calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and lats. It’s beginning to feel more comfortable in my muscles now. Foam rolling can feel pretty intense to begin with, but after these workouts it’s becoming a welcome relaxing cooldown.
I do the new and evolved week two programme twice on my own and by the end of my last workout alone I’m feeling like I’ve made some real improvements to the different exercises and am feeling more than ready to go into week three.
Week 2 Reviber Trial Exercises
End with rolling session