Professional Massager
Unrivaled Massage The Reviber Zen Physio deep-tissue massager is designed to give an unrivaled massage. Its speed and depth of movement create a deep, soothing massage.
Deep Tissue Massager Just hold the Physio on your muscles and let the percussive massage action sooth your aches and pains. Unlike other massagers, you don't need to push it down. As the massager provides all the necessary force. Most of the energy is transferred through the massage heads, so you get no kick back through the handle. And with the massager placed on the muscles, there's little weight to hold in the hand.
The power of the Physio transfers to the muscles through soft rubber massage heads, unlike the hard plastic heads on inferior massagers. The Physio is supplied with two sets of massage heads. One set for massaging larger muscle groups, such as the legs. Another set for massaging smaller, more specific areas, such as the neck.
Comfortable and Easy to Use The Zen Physio doesn't need massage oils, (although you can use non-alcohol-based massage oils). You can use it on bare skin or over clothing. Just plug it in and the 3-metre long power cord means you can get a great massage on the sofa or your bed.
- Neck and shoulders (trapezius and deltoid muscles)
- Upper & Centre of Back (rhomboids and latissimus dorsi muscles)
- Lower Back and Buttocks (erector spine and gluteus muscles)
- Thighs (quadriceps, abductors and hamstrings)
- Calves (soleus and gastrocnemius muscles)
- Arms (biceps, triceps & forearm muscles)
- Soles of Feet
Model: RV-MADP
Professional Massager
Unrivaled Massage The Reviber Zen Physio deep-tissue massager is designed to give an unrivaled massage. Its speed and depth of movement create a deep, soothing massage.
Deep Tissue Massager Just hold the Physio on your muscles and let the percussive massage action sooth your aches and pains. Unlike other massagers, you don't need to push it down. As the massager provides all the necessary force. Most of the energy is transferred through the massage heads, so you get no kick back through the handle. And with the massager placed on the muscles, there's little weight to hold in the hand.
The power of the Physio transfers to the muscles through soft rubber massage heads, unlike the hard plastic heads on inferior massagers. The Physio is supplied with two sets of massage heads. One set for massaging larger muscle groups, such as the legs. Another set for massaging smaller, more specific areas, such as the neck.
Comfortable and Easy to Use The Zen Physio doesn't need massage oils, (although you can use non-alcohol-based massage oils). You can use it on bare skin or over clothing. Just plug it in and the 3-metre long power cord means you can get a great massage on the sofa or your bed.
- Neck and shoulders (trapezius and deltoid muscles)
- Upper & Centre of Back (rhomboids and latissimus dorsi muscles)
- Lower Back and Buttocks (erector spine and gluteus muscles)
- Thighs (quadriceps, abductors and hamstrings)
- Calves (soleus and gastrocnemius muscles)
- Arms (biceps, triceps & forearm muscles)
- Soles of Feet
Model: RV-MADP