January 11, 2019 3 min read
There’s nothing more reliable than hearing about what the Reviber 6 Week Challenge can do for you, than from hearing from a selection of everyday people who have first-hand experience of completing it.
Meet Erin
My name is Erin, I’m eighteen and need to get off the couch more! I need to lose weight, my clothes don’t fit! I’ve wanted to do something for ages. I want to work on my stomach and legs most of all.
Trial aims:
to lose weight and tone up, she's wanted to change her body shape
for a while as she can't fit into her clothes and feels she is steadily getting
heavier. Her difficulties in coordination and balance have made her lose
confidence. Target areas are tum and thighs.
Measurements pre trial
Arms; right 13.75" / left 13.25"
Chest; 42"
Waist; 34.75
Lower tum; 42.5"
Hips; 44.25"
Legs; right 25.75" / left 25.75"
Erin worked her arms and upper body using the resistance bands on the Reviber Fusion, her butt and thighs doing sets of squats and hamstrings and backs of her thighs by completing sets of lunges.
Then back to the upper body doing sets of triceps hinges and core work by doing abdominal sit crunches.
And to finish each session Erin does a short burst on the Reviber Vibrating Foam Roller. This finishing roller workout helped massage tired muscles and helped speed up recovery for the next session. But the roller also does something else. The Reviber Roller is great for battling cellulite. It does this by pressing directly on the target areas of cellulite. It’s vibrating rolling action presses and irons out the uneven cellulite. The flat surface is to pull the surface of your skin tight again after the deep kneading massage of the fingers and thumbs.
After three weeks of working out for three weeks, Erin was remeasured.
(Half-way through)
Arms right and left; 13"
Chest; 39.5"
Waist; 34"
Lower tum; 37.5"
Lower Hip; 43.5"
Legs; 25.75" both
3 weeks on and Erin has lost a staggering 10.5" all over
So how’s it going?
“I'm really happy with the progress I've made...whoop 10.5". I am getting used to the machine now… and I feel like I know what I'm doing with the roller now… although I struggle to keep the little varmint (roller) under control!... it’s going well and I feel really confident again... my clothes fit me again and some are too big! My bum has lifted and I can fit into my jeans as they wouldn't go over my bum"!
What is your favourite exercise?
“Squats !”
What do you think is the most effective exercise?
“The plank.”
What exercise do you hate the most?
“Lunges... they hurt loads"
What do you still want to achieve?
“Lose more inches”
Have you noticed any change in the skin tone (cellulite)?
"My cellulite has reduced on my bum and legs"
At the end of the sixth week, Erin was measured to see what the final results would be.
End Trial (16.10.17)
Arms right and left 12.5"
Chest; 39.5"
Waist; 33.5"
Lower tum; 37.5"
Lower Hip; 42.5"
Legs; 25.5" both
End Trial Erin lost a staggering 12.5" all over
Are you happy with your inch loss?
“I feel great... I've done it, never lost so much weight before… all of my clothes fit and some are too more couch potato for me."
Will you keep it up?
“It's hard… and my muscles have been very sore… but as I said… no more couch potato!”
Would you recommend our products?
“Yes I would!"