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  • The Post Holiday Blues

    August 13, 2018 2 min read

    After all that hard work before the holiday I’ve come home and feel like a puffer fish.

    Two weeks. An All Inclusive Hotel. In a heatwave. I’m surprised there’s any San Miguel left in Southern Spain.

    I went on holiday just over two weeks ago feeling great. I’d taken part in a 6 week trial using the Reviber Fusion and The Motorised Foam Roller and really got myself into shape. I made some great progress, lost weight, developed a bit of muscle and was standing tall and proud!

    Of course, two weeks in an all inclusive is going to take its toll on anyone. But for the first week I was gunning out push ups in the room and swimming lengths in the pool daily. Of course by week two I had reverted to pushing up to the buffet multiple times and swimming in mostly rum based cocktails.

    By the end of the holiday I felt like a turkey that had been fattened up for Christmas. No amount of preparation could withstand what I did during the holiday. Needles to say, by the end of the it I was stuffed.

    So I’ve been home for a few days now and have decided that I need a few days of feeling hungry and eating sensible portions and have gone cold turkey on the booze. Actually not cold turkey, I was sick of drinking towards the end, so cups of tea are a welcome change in the evening.

    What A Feeling!

    I’m back at work and have got back on the Fusion and am really determined to get back to that pre holiday feeling I had. Normally when I get back from a holiday like this I’m not bothered about exercising at all.

    I’ve Got To Get It Back!

    But this time I’m feeling like I’ve got to keep my strength and the overall feeling of, for want of a better word, wellness. I’m sure it’s because I’ve worked out my entire body in the different exercises and the feeling is different from just exercising one area or doing one exercise again and again.

    So, I’m going to be working out solo again and keeping my fitness and waistline at an acceptable level.

    Sadly there is no permanent fix to losing weight, gaining muscle and having good posture.

    It can only be maintained through work and exercise. I’m at an age where not eating lunch will mean I won’t lose weight. I have to exercise now to stop things hitting the floor.

    Fortunately I’ve had this chance to use Reviber products and really get to grips with some of the products. Obviously I’m duty bound to promote the products that the business I work for. I get that I might seem to be over egging it. But the truth is I hung everything on getting in shape for a holiday by using the Reviber Fusion. I made myself stick at it and put some really hard work into it. And for my hard work I got some really positive results out of it. So much so that I want to get back to that feeling!

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