March 22, 2019 2 min read
I forgot, my back doesn’t hurt any more!
I took a call from a customer with an old Reviber Plus toning plate this week that was in need of a quick repair. The owner used the plate to fend off a bad back and didn’t want to be without their Reviber for long because they credit it with them not having any lower back pain!
So we flew into action, got the machine repaired and back to the customer in a matter of days so they didn’t miss out on the therapeutic benefits for longer than necessary.
That’s a common thing here at Reviber. A lot of our customers are using our products to manage injury and pain. And when they’ve been using a Reviber for a number of years and fault develops, we’re here to get that Reviber fixed and back to the customer so it can get on with fixing them!
But after I spoke with this customer and he told me about his back pain relief from using a toning plate, I agreed with him that they do help with back pain and that my back hurts from sitting at a desk too much.
And it was only afterwards that I thought about my back, that dull ache that I get from sitting at my desk too much and had to think about when the last time my back actually hurt like this.
I couldn’t remember! I used to moan about my back, get up from my chair and stretch out and grumble. But I don’t do that anymore. I was quite accepting that my back was, like so many people’s backs way knackered and I had to manage the pain.
So I dug down into why I was feeling better and came to an unsurprising conclusion. Since I’ve been regularly exercising on the Reviber Fusion Toning Plate, I’ve been getting stronger and my upper body, legs and stomach have all gotten stronger and are all helping the back.
I’m amazed that I’ve forgotten the pain. And more amazed that I’ve not paid attention to this because it’s a great way for me to sell the benefits of our products!
I’m still kind of embarrassed to say that I was promoting these machines and not using them and knowing what they were capable of. I’ve worked with the products for about nine months now and really ramped up the workouts since the new year. And I’ve just realised that I’m getting more out of it than I thought...