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  • December 19, 2018 1 min read

    With New Year just around the corner, many people make healthy New Year Resolutions. The most popular resolutions are to lose weight, get fit and eat right.

    These goals are linked together. To lose weight you must exercise more, get fit and start to eat healthier, more nutritious foods to give you the energy to be more active without putting on more weight.

    Do you have a plan for your New Year health kick?

    For the New Year, we’re going to launch a new fitness programme for everyone to follow using the Reviber Fusion toning plate and the Reviber Vibrating Foam Roller.

    The 6-Week Challenge is going to be 6 weekly exercise videos for you to follow. Complete each video three times over a week and then progress to the next video and repeat until you’ve worked through the full six weeks.

    Over the course of the six weeks, you’ll be exercising your legs, butt and core standing on the Fusion. Using the resistance bands in increasingly large sets of arm exercises, doing sets of squats and lunges, doing pushups, planks and side planks and sets of sit up crunches to work the entire body.

    And after each session on the Fusion, you’ll be doing a foam roller session using the Reviber Vibrating Foam Roller. Not only will this help your tired muscles recover from your workout, but it’ll also help smooth out uneven surface areas of the flesh. That’s basically a direct attack on cellulite! Where you roll the surface of the roller and its vibrations will be helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

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